Impressum & Privacy Policy

Who is the publisher?

Jungle Program GmbH
Zehdenicker Str. 14
10119 Berlin

contact (at)

Trade Registry Number: HRB 205965, Berlin Charlottenburg
VAT ID: DE323281324
Tax ID: 30/369/50192

General Management: Louis Rouffineau, Gautier Roquancourt.

How do you handle cookies, trackers and personal data?

In order to comply with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) we have chosen not to collect personal data or track behaviour on our site :
  • The email address and personnal data are collected in case of a job posting or a member application to Jungle Program. This email and personnal data will only be used in the cases specified during registration and will not be transmitted to any third party.
  • We do not collect information from social media sharing tools (but these third party tools may collect data if you are browsing with an open session / have not logged out);
  • No identification or tracking cookies are used, the only cookies used are those that enable the proper functioning of the site;
  • The tracking of the frequentation of the site is done via a self-hosted instance of Matomo Analytics with anonymization of the collected data. If our logs keep track of the IP addresses collected, they are truncated before being processed.
  • We have no other trackers (advertising, retargeting etc…).
  • The site does not require prior cookie consent. Learn more on how we use Matomo Analytics without consent.


We display images and graphic elements provided by several platforms. Each platform has a set of licences under which they distribute and allow us to use those graphic elements on our website and communication: